Moving is a tough job, especially when you’re moving right from one apartment to another with no overlap. But we’ve picked up a few tips and tricks to help ease the process a bit. We hope this helps you the next time you have to move.
Plan Ahead 
Set up a time at your new apartment complex when you can visit your unit or a model unit and take measurements. You may find that some of your furniture won’t fit into your new place, which gives you the chance to sell or donate it before you move. Given the fact that it’s not worth moving over things that won’t fit or you no longer want, take some time to de-clutter your current place before packing up.
Before moving, have the utilities and cable set up at your new apartment so it’s ready to live in once you move. You should also have your mail forwarded in advance of moving.
Many retailers are happy to give away boxes that shipments arrive in. Liquor stores in particular are great because they have sturdy, divided boxes that are great for packing breakables. It’s an easy way to save money, as opposed to buying new boxes. To save even more, use socks and sheets as fillers instead of buying bubble wrap.
When packing, try to keep boxes room-specific. Write the room it belongs in on the outside of the boxes and color-code them with duct tape so you know where to take each box as you move. You may also wish to write what’s inside and note if it’s light, medium or heavy.
Moving to Your New Place
Friends are often willing to help if you feed them in return. However, asking them to help out all day may be a bit much. Instead, ask friends to come in a few shifts so you always have a friend or two helping throughout the day without burning them out.
As your friends move boxes, take the time to clean up the new apartment. Wipe down counters and line the cabinets and drawers. Dust off the furniture if it was dirtied on the truck. You’ll be happy you did it in advance so you can simply relax in your new home after unpacking.
Protect your belongings. Call Nobles Insurance Agency at 919-833-3803 for more information on renters insurance.